Friday, July 18, 2008

Egg Salad Sandwich

Yes, don't fall out of your chairs! For those who know me well they know I do not like eggs. My friend Leslie suggested that I make egg salad sandwiches and I promptly told her I don't eat eggs. But then I came home with all these yummy croissants from Costco and I wanted to make a sandwich and we didn't have anything to use so I looked on Allrecipes for and egg salad sandwich that appealed to me and I found the perfect one from Sara Slade. The only thing I changed was that I used seasoning salt and she used regular. So try this out and especially on a croissant! Yum Yum and as Leslie said, its just like a deviled egg on bread!

8 hard boiled eggs
1 c mayo
1/4 c onion flakes
1/2 tsp seasoning salt
1 tsp mustard powder
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 tsp dill

Hard boil eggs and mix other ingredients to let sit while the eggs are boiling. Peel eggs and let cool for a few minutes and then dice. Stir eggs into mayo mixture. Cover and chill before serving. I ate it right after making it and it wasn't bad but it is better to let the ingredients blend.

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